Hey guys,
So I know that I've been away but now I'm back wit the jump off. Things have been hectic dealing with work and family and the holidays had me stressed. But I bring to you my first post of 2016 "Holidays Past" I'm talking about reliving the holidays with me through clothes, makeup and creativity.
Lets Start with...... Halloween!
This costume was one for the record books. The amount of sweat, tears, blood and lack of sleep that was used to make this Lyda Deetz poncho and Cape combo was out of this world.
This entire thing was made 90% by hand. I've been challenged but this was something totally different. I wanted to be the belle of the Tim Burton rave by dressing up as one of my favorite Beetle juice animated moments. If your to young then your gonna have to Google. Anyways in this episode Lyda is taken to the underworld to meet prince Naveen she's all dressed up and to comical relief she even has the bride of Frankenstein hair. The poncho gown cape combo just stuck with me and it just had to get done. So I sewed my life way with the help of my friend Melissa and her mom I got it done. Not to mention endless nights gluing rhinestones on everything. I've never been so proud of myself and this upcoming comic con is gonna be unforgettable.

But not to forget a costume change for the Deetz costume no matter how beautiful it is but was heavy and I was totally petrified of it getting damaged throughout a night of drinking. So I decided to be princess jasmine... well my take on it for the time I was given. The jacket is from forever 21 and the top from k&g superstore, the scarf was a thrift shop find, my jeans are also from forever 21 and my Disney sneaks are from vans. The crown came from the Disney Store for 50% off. I was hyped. The hair took forever to get just right but I was so happy with the outcome not to mention how comfy I was.
A honorable mention to Velma for she was a cute quick costume.
Now to Thanksgiving for I was thankful for a lot this year family, true friends a loving boyfriend and a true spark of enthusiasm for the holidays to basically really give a fuck and actually wrap my presents in a grown up matter.
I was also thankful of this outfit and amazing hair day.
The coat is from forever 21 2015 winter collection.
The black classic leotard is from forever 21.
The leather skirt is from forever 21 2005 collection and was finally worn for the first time.
After all the food drinks and togetherness it was the days of all days my birthday! 29 and feeling fine.
Can't do that up do ever again idk why...
And I got to get into my dream car the unforgettable, classic, amazing, blast from the past the Delorean.
I changed my clothes and hair the next day for my birthday night out.
In between the next holiday there was some clothing greatness happening.
This coat was a amazing thrift shop find. The fact that it's tailored to my body shape and has this bold red color not to mention the outline is in this simple ruffle all around just warms my heart. I've never found anything that makes me feel so giddy like this coat. The sweatshirt is a dress it has pockets and it's thick as hell, it came from H&M's Ron Bass collection. The running sneakers are Nike. And the hat from a boutique on the upper West side on Broadway.
Is that what I think that it is?
Yes! It's the start of the Christmas season.
The windows are decorated with glamour and jewels.
In between this start of the holiday season. I discovered faux spectrum rings
And there's a few outfits along the way thanks to my boyfriend.
This cute sweater is from Target 2014 winter collection..... it's my boyfriends. The jeans are from forever 21.
The coat is from forever 21. The button up is from my boyfriend. My jeans are from forever 21 the classic denim collection. The sneaks are Adidas.
Is Star Wars a holiday? Because hot damn it's everywhere the Force Awakens was amazing. No spoilers here.
I was General Organa when I went to the premiere of The Force Awakens.
Well back to Christmas lol
This outfit brought to you by Macy's a Peanuts Christmas.
Christmas eve!
The beginning to the greatest day of the year. This outfit was so fancy. I haven't wore real flats in a while these Christian Siriano flats from pallets are everything. The high waisted jeans are from forever 21. The sheer sexy leotard is from wet seal plus collection. And the fur vest even though a thrift shop find is actually from the Kardashion Dash QVC plus size collection.
At work I had glitz lips from sephora. The black lace top is from Calvin Klein.
The dress is from forever 21. Just in case if ya wanted to know my friends and coworker every dress is also from forever 21.
These pajamas
From target
Some poppin selfies
And now a throwback of Christmas past before we start the new year
This is Christmas 2014 the sequin dress is from forever 21 and the sequined shoes are from Ashley Stewart's.
This Lil number is from forever 21 both crop top and sparkle glitter skirt. One of my favorite pieces.
A few more poppin selfies
The dress and leather jacket from forever 21.
This powerhouse outfit was for a interview. Coat from forever 21. The shirt I believe was from pay half but I can't remember. The pants are from forever 21 and the shoes are Christian Siriano for payless.
And now New Years Eve!
Nails are done and the Polish is from Essie.
My first selfie for the beginning of the new year. Faux spectrum ring from luxebaby a site I found through my instagram.
Me and my Lil sis. My sheer leotard is from wet seal. The gold jeans are from Ashley Stewart's.
Funny moment with my other Lil sister.
This look was different than what I'm used to. I've never worn anything so bold and shiny before. But new year new looks.
And now......
To the new year and all of its opportunities and blessings it may bring. Hoping that everyone has an amazing start to a new year and here's to new posts, material, inspiration, style and grace.
Shay :^*